Call for Papers and Participation

We would like to invite you to participate in the 3rd EuroHPC Workshop on Dynamic Resources in HPC, that will be held in Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Puerta de Toledo campus, Madrid) collocated with Euro-Par 2024, from August 26th to 27th, 2024.



Dynamic resource management on large-scale HPC platforms is part of several EuroHPC projects. It poses highly interdisciplinary challenges concerning, among others, the applications supporting dynamic resources, extending dynamic resource provisioning to the full system stack, I/O malleable systems, new applications, and I/O scheduling, etc. 

This workshop is planned to be an amplifier of collaborations around these ideas and covers the following topics (but are not limited to): 

  • System and system architecture considerations in designing architectures that use dynamic resources. 
  • Emerging software designs to achieve dynamic resource management in high-performance computing. 
  • High-Level Parallel Programming Models and programmability techniques to improve applications' dynamic resource utilization. 
  • Run-Time Techniques to provide dynamic resource execution models for computation, communication, and I/O. 
  • Resource management frameworks and interfaces supporting dynamic resource management.
  • Computing and I/O scheduling algorithms providing and/or exploiting static or dynamic resources. 
  • Use of AI and ML techniques to steer dynamic resources in systems and applications
  • Ad-hoc storage systems and I/O scheduling techniques supporting dynamic resource provisioning in I/O. 
  • Support for dynamic resource execution of applications in performance, debugging, and correctness tools. 
  • Experiences and use cases applying dynamic resource management to HPC applications. 
  • Experience adopting dynamic resource frameworks  Performance monitoring and modeling in dynamic environments.


Hackathon event

The workshop includes a hackathon as complementary event.The hackathon consists of hands-on sessions aimed at implementing dynamic resource applications, gaining a common understanding of the use cases and their requirements, establishing commonly shared terminology, and identifying elements that can be moved to a standardization process, such as the MPI API. 


Important information

Submission portal: Authors are invited to submit papers through EasyChair.

Submission Guidelines: The papers should be submitted in PDF, following the Springer LNCS format. Paper length must not exceed 12 pages (including references). All submitted manuscripts will be peer reviewed.

Workshop Proceedings: All accepted papers will be published in a special Euro-Par Workshop Volume in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series after the Euro-Par conference.

Registration: At least one author of the paper has to register in the workshop and present the paper during the workshop. For registration information see Euro-Par'24 registration page.

The accepted papers can be accessed in the following link

Key dates:

  • Paper submission deadline: 20 May 2024
  • Notification of acceptance: 20 June 2024
  • Final paper version: mid-October. 
  • Workshop: 26-27 August 2024


  • David Expósito Singh


Workshop location: The workshop will take place at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Madrid-Puerta de Toledo campus).

Address: Calle Ronda de Toledo, 1 – 28005 Madrid. 
Room: -1.A.04   (note that this room is located in the underground level of the building).


Building floor plan:

3rd EuroHPC Workshop on Dynamic Resources in HPC
26 Agosto 2024, 09:00

26 Agosto 2024, 17:00

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid-Puerta de Toledo Campus, Ronda de Toledo, Madrid, España

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