The YUFERING project (YUFE Transforming Research and Innovation through Europe-wide KNowledGe Transfer) is one of the key initiatives of the YUFE (Young European Universities for the Future of Europe) alliance of European universities. YUFERING aims to pilot the transformations to improve and harmonise the conditions for R&I in Europe. Open Science is indeed one of the essential elements of the "new normal" and therefore must be at the core of any research strategy. During the last two years, the YUFERING partners have been deploying a variety of actions devoted to understand the landscape of OS in their institutions and to contribuite to a culture change.
From May 2022 to August 2023, a Full Open Science (FOS) pilot has been carried out to foster Open Science practices across a number of research teams at the universities. These have been working towards open access to publications, FAIR research data, open licenses, citizen science and open educational resources (OER), among other areas. FOS research teams are expected to become role-models and ambassadors within their institutions.
The goal of this online event is to showcase the YUFERING FOS pilot results, as well as to reserve some time to the partners to continue reflecting on how to promote OS awareness at their institions. The first half of the event is public, whereas the second one is aimed only to the partners.
PART 1 (open to the public)
9:30 Opening
Marios Demetriades (University of Cyprus), YUFERING coordinator
Eva Méndez (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), YUFERING Work Package 5 Coordinator
9:45-10:15 Keynote on "UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science: towards a fair and equitable operationalization of open science"
Dr Fereshteh Rafieian Najafabadi (Associate programme specialist, Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, Natural Science Sector, UNESCO)
10:15-10:30 Presentation of the FOS pilot (YUFERING WP5 Task 5.3)
Raúl Aguilera (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), YUFERING WP5 Task 5.3 Coordinator
10:30- 11:30 Full Open Science research groups: creating role-models in Open Science and pushing the cultural change
Panel with FOS representatives in each institution.
11:30-11:45 > Discussion and Open Q&A
PART 2 (restricted to YUFERING institutions)
12:00- 13:00 Group work & discussion
13:00-13:15 Wrap up