• YUFETHON 2023 - V Semana emprendeUC3M

  • Start: Friday, 06 October 10:00
    End: Friday, 06 October 18:00
  • Universidad Carlos III de Madrid: Parque Científico Online
  • Actividad englobada en la Semana emprendeUC3M 2022

    Online, 6th and 7th october, english


    Find innovative solutions to real problems in teams



    YUFETHON is an online event where participants will meet for two days (14h) to work intensively on a solution to a real problem. Participants will work in small and international teams in a unique environment that encourages creative thinking.  


     What are the challenges? ·      

    • Strengthening the EU identity
    • The Earth as patient  
    • Urban ecosystems
    • Development of emotional spheres





    Esta actividad está incluida en el Pasaporte Emprende. con el que puedes obtener 1 ECTS optativo.