(In the picture: Leonardos demonstrator for Clean Sky 2’s Composite Fuselage project)

The Bioengineering and Aerospace Engineering department at  University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M) together with Aernnova Aerospace SA as part of the Clean Sky 2 dissemination programme will hold virtually this conference on Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25 March 2021.

The conference seeks contributions covering current Clean Sky 2 research project focused on the development of new materials, concepts and technologies aiming at reducing fuel consumption and maximising the efficiency of next generation aircraft as currently being implemented in the CS2 programme, and aligned with the Clean Sky 2 High Level Goals (environmental performance, competitiveness and mobility). The speech technical scope covers both airframe and engines including research activities in aerodynamics, aerostructures, aircraft design, airframe and engine manufacturing, onboard systems, certification technology demonstrator development. Contributions will be sought to cover the following broad topic areas:

Contributions will be sought to cover the following broad topic areas:

  • Advanced Aerospace Materials:
    • New composite and metallic materials
    • Hybrid materials metal-composite for HLFC (Hybrid Laminar Flow Control)
    • Fracture toughening in hybrid joints
    • New test methodology for preliminary allowable
  • Novel Airframe Concept:
    • Disruptive configurations for commercial aviation
    • Next generation fast rotorcraft
    • New structural concepts enabling Hybrid laminar flow control
    • High aspect ratio wings
    • Efficient regional jets
  • Cost-effective manufacturing process for aerospace industry 4.0:
    • Multi-material one-shot processes with CFRP
    • In-mould photonic sensors (high quality production)
    • Additive manufacturing
    • High ratio manufacturing technologies
    • Novel multifunctional structures (anti-icing systems, Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), electrical conductivity)
  • Efficient aerodynamic for next generation wing:
    • Aerodynamic challenges on Hybrid Laminar Flow Control (HLFC) surfaces
    • Ice protection systems on next generation HLFC aircrafts
  • Disruptive propulsion systems:
    • More electric aircraft
    • Hybrid electric propulsion
    • Distributed propulsion


Instructions to authors

The Organising Committee invites prospective authors to submit abstracts of original work for presentation at the Conference. Authors are requested to contribute with 20 min presentations. Presentations will be evaluated by the Conference Scientific Committee consisting of:

  • Dr Federico Martín de la Escalera Cutillas (Aernnova/Aerospace department at UC3M)
  • Dr Miguel Angel Castillo Acero (Aernnova)
  • Dr Rauno Cavallaro (Aerospace department at UC3M)
  • Dr Andrea Cini (Aerospace department at UC3M)

Abstract and presentation should be written in English and submitted to the Scientific Committee for review and approval using the following email address:



Speakers can book their participation by registering, free of charge, on the official conference internet page clicking on the “REGISTER” button


Instructions to attendees

The Organising Committee welcomes anyone who will be interested in participating to the conference as part of the audience. Attendees can book their participation by registering, free of charge, on the official conference internet page clicking on the “REGISTER” button

Information on the link to connect to the conference will be sent via email to all the registered attendees


The deadline for presentation submission is Friday 19 March 2021.

Mr. Juan Francisco Reyes,  H2020 NCP aviation & Clean Sky Spanish Representative, (CDTI),  will participate at the event prresenting the European strategies and funding opportunities for Aviation R&D in the new Horizon Europe framework program


UC3M research service participates in the organization of the event in the framework of the ECT2020-000712 project funded by “Europa Redes y Gestores – Europa Centros Tecnológicos”  2020





Clean Sky 2 technology progress – contribution to the environmental performance of the next generation of aircraft (Day 1)

The registration has finished.

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