El próximo 25 de enero de 2019 tendrá lugar la investidura como Doctor Honoris Causa por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid del Bjarne Stroustrup, creador del lenguaje de programación C++.


Con el motivo de dicha investidura, el grupo de Arquitectura de Computadores Comunicaciones y Sistemas (ARCOS) del Departamento de Informática de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, tiene el placer de invitarles a las siguientes conferencias, que se celebrarán el jueves, día 24 de enero de 2019:

IMPORTANTE: Es necesario inscribirse a cada conferencia por separado. En esta página te inscribirás solamente a la conferencia de las 16:00.

Concepts: The future of generic programming (the future is here)

Concepts have arrived. They will change the way we think about programming. Implementations are available in GCC and Clang. Many fundamental concepts are in the standard committee’s working paper and the next generation of the STL depends critically on concepts. After briefly introducing concepts, I consider their role in design. What makes a good/useful concept? How do you design good concepts and use them well? From a language-technical point of view, concepts are a way of constraining template arguments. From a design perspective, they are a focus comparable to user-defined types (classes): The intent is for a concept to represent a fundamental concept in an applications domain (hence the name “concept”). I will mention technical issues recently resolved in the committee, but my primarily focus is not concepts as a language mechanism but as a support for the development of good software.

Concepts: The future of generic programming (the future is here). Bjarne Stroustrup.

Salón de Grados, Auditorio de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Leganés

Análisis y programación

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