Invited speakers
Hana DusíkováWoven by ToyotaHana is Staff Software Engineer in Woven by Toyota. She is known for the CTRE library (Compile Time Regular Expressions). She is the chair of SG7 "study group for reflection" and co-chair of EWG "evolution working group" in the WG21 (the ISO C++ standardisation committee) where she represents Czechia national body.. |
Nicolai JosuttisNicolai Josuttis (www.josuttis.com) is well-known in the community for his authoritative books and talks. For more than 20 years he has been a member of the C++ Standard Committee. He is the author of several worldwide best-sellers, including:
Peter SommerladPeter Sommerlad is a consultant and trainer for Safe Modern C++ and Agile Software Engineering. Peter was professor at and director of IFS Institute for Software at FHO/HSR Rapperswil, Switzerland until February 2020. Peter is co-author of POSA Vol.1 and Security Patterns and contributed to other books as well as several ISO standards (C, C++, vulnerabilities) and C++ guidelines. Peter is a member of MISRA-C++, Hillside, ACM, IEEE Computer Society, ACCU, ISO WG23 and the ISO WG21 C++ committee. |
Ville VoutilainenVille Voutilainen is a Principal Software Engineer working at The Qt Company, and has been programming in C++ as a hobby since 1994 and professionally since 1998. He has been a member of the ISO C++ Standards Committee since 2009, and has authored and implemented various standard proposals over the years.. |
Invited speakers
Javier AbudUnity TechnologiesJavier Abud Chavez, an industry veteran with 20 years of experience in videogame development currently works as a Senior Software Developer at Unity Technologies. As part of the AssetDatabase team, his work focuses on enhancing user productivity and consistency. His insights have been shared through Unity blog posts and industry conferences, as well as core Unity features like the Import Activity Window. |
Juan AldayJuan is a seasoned professional with a rich background in finance and technology. He has a specific focus on C++, and serves as a member of the ISO C++ Standards Committee (WG21). His expertise extends to developing high-frequency electronic trading systems, with a focus on derivatives and financial markets. He has held leadership roles in IT architecture at Bloomberg and electronic trading platforms at several major investment banks around the globe. His academic foundation is in computer science and electrical engineering. |
Goran AranđelovićGoran has a background in math and has been using C++ for almost 20 years, of which nearly 15 years professionally. He is a strong advocate of clean and modular architectures, value-based and functional programming leveraged by modern C++ techniques. For the past six years, he has been primarily involved in developing backend systems for ad-serving platforms. He is also the founder of Serbian C++ User Group. |
Xavier BonaventuraBMWXavier Bonaventura is a Software Engineer at BMW, where he works on the software stack for the next generation of autonomous driving, including the coordination between the software quality and the software development team. Xavier believes that success in large scale projects can only be achieved through high-quality standards, using modern technologies, and applying software engineering principles at all levels. He has been working in various fields such as computer graphics, information theory, and data aggregation and with codebases of different sizes, with contributions from 5 to 2000 software developers. He is also part of the MISRA C++ working group and member of the ISO C++ committee representing the BMW Group. Xavier loves learning and teaching and when he is not programming he likes cooking, hiking, biking, and jogging. |
Richard CordenPerforceRichard Corden is a Team Lead for Helix QAC at Perforce. Richard has been developing static analyzers for C and C++ for 25 years. Over this time, he’s been involved in developing coding standards and he’s a co-author of MISRA C++:2023, MISRA C++:2008 and High Integrity C++ from Perforce (formerly PRQA). Richard is also an active member of the MISRA C++ and ISO C++ Committees. |
Filipp GelmanBloombergAt Bloomberg LP since 2016, Filipp enjoys exploring the obscure, arcane, and esoteric corners of the C++ language. He is known among his coworkers for heavy use of templates, emphasis on compile time computation, and abusing language features for nefarious purposes. |
Michael HavaRISC Software GmbHMichael joined RISC Software in 2011 during his master studies at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria – Hagenberg Campus. Ever since he has promoted the adoption of modern C++ across various fields of engineering. Aiming to extend said promotion to education he returned to his former university in 2016 as a part-time instructor. After attending his first C++ standards committee meeting in 2019, he became a founding member of the Austrian C++ working group and serves as national body chair. Staying in LEWG most of the time, several of his papers have been adopted for C++26 with more in the pipeline: P2721, P3044, P3049 |
Kris JusiakKris is a passionate Software Engineer with experience across various industries, including telecommunications, gaming, and most recently, finance. He specializes in modern C++ development, with a keen focus on performance and quality. Kris is also an active conference speaker and open-source enthusiast, having created multiple open-source libraries. |
Jean-Louis LeroyBloombergJean-Louis has been programming for 35 years, initially in Forth, then in C, Perl, C++ and Python, with forays in Lisp, D and Smalltalk. He loves languages that are expressive and extensible. He is the original author of Tangram, an orthogonal object-relational mapper for Perl, and, more recently, of YOMM2, an implementation of open multi-methods in C++. He works for Bloomberg LP in New York, in the team that created the recently open-sourced BlazingMQ message queue broker. |
Javier López-GómezZimperium, Inc.Formerly, he was working for the ROOT project at CERN EP/SFT (SoFTware for experiments) group. Specifically, he worked for RNTuple, the new columnar data storage layer tailored for high-energy physics data, and the cling C++ interpreter based on clang and LLVM. He was one of the cling maintainers (2020-2023). Among other tasks, he added support for entity redefinition thus allowing users to provide a new definition for a given symbol where normally forbidden by the One Definition Rule. Shortly before joining the ROOT team, he conducted his Ph.D. research within the Computer Architecture, Communications and Systems (ARCOS) research group at University Carlos III of Madrid. His thesis contributes to the area of software reliability, verification and optimization. |
Joaquín M López MuñozC++ AllianceJoaquín M López Muñoz is a telecommunications engineer freelancing in product/innovation/technological consultancy for telco, TV, and IoT. On the programming front, he caught the C++ virus 20+ years ago and hasn't shaken it off yet. Joaquín is the author/co-author of four Boost libraries (MultiIndex, Flyweight, PolyCollection, Unordered) and has done some minor contributions to the standard such as N3657 (heterogeneous lookup). He's happy at the intersection of lib design, performance and maths. |
Abhilash MajumderIntelAbhilash is a senior DL compiler and AI frameworks engineer at Intel. Abhilash currently works on SYCL/DPCPP compiler backend, Intel/LLVM for unified SYCL runtime across vendors (NV, AMD) and is engaged with PyTorch from Intel for optimizing PyTorch (native) on Intel devices. He is also lead open source collaborator on behalf of Intel with Microsoft / Hugging Face / Lightning and PyTorch Ecosystem on deep learning frameworks and workloads. He has prior experience as a deep learning engineer at Morgan Stanley, HSBC and Google Research, Imperial College London, as an author and as a deep learning speaker for OS Python |
Jonathan Müllerthink-cellJonathan is a library developer at think-cell. In his spare time, he works on various C++ open source libraries for memory allocation, cache-friendly containers, or parsing. He also blogs at foonathan.net and is a member of the C++ standardization committee. |
Phil NashShaved YaksPhil is the original author of the C++ test framework, Catch2. He's a member of the ISO C++ standards committee, organiser of C++ London and C++ on Sea, as well as co-host and producer of CppCast. More generally he's an advocate for good testing practices, TDD and using the type system and functional techniques to reduce complexity and increase correctness. He's previously worked in Finance and Mobile offers training and coaching in TDD for C++. |
Rubén PérezC++ AllianceOriginally an industrial engineer, Ruben fell in love with C++ after reading Stroustrup's classic The C++ programming language. After seven years in the software industry, he has worked in a variety of sectors, including IoT, cyber security, finance and healthcare. He has worked with networked systems for all his career, using a wide range of technologies. He is the proud author of Boost.MySQL, an async MySQL client library implemented from scratch using Boost.Asio. He is currently working for the C++ alliance, further developing Boost.MySQL and performing various open-source contributions. |
Jorge Pinto SousaCritical TechworksJorge Pinto Sousa is a Software Engineer at Critical TechWorks, where he spearheads the development of cutting-edge software solutions for the automotive industry. Over the past three years, Jorge has been the Quality Toolchain Lead on an autonomous driving project, ensuring the seamless integration of advanced technologies within the mobility sector. Throughout his career, Jorge has navigated through different sectors,working mostly with C++ in legacy systems. He has adeptly managed and contributed to diverse codebases, orchestrating teams ranging from intimate groups to large-scale collaborations involving over a thousand engineers. |
Sponsor speakers
Luis CaroJFrogLuis is a Electronics and Computer Engineer based in the UK, with previous experience as a C++ engineer in the field of Computer Vision and Robotics. With a passion to enable C++ engineers to develop at scale following modern DevOps practices. He is currently part of the Conan team at JFrog, focused on the problems of the C++ community at large. |
Carlos Gómez CarrascoAirbusDr. Carlos Gómez Carrasco holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and has an outstanding track record as a software developer in various programming languages. With over 10 years of experience, he has significantly contributed to the design and migration of the core financial systems to the cloud in Nationale-Nederlanden Services. Currently, Carlos is part of the software architecture team at Airbus DS, where he works on developing innovative solutions for mission systems. Parallel to his career in the industry, Carlos has also pursued an academic career at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, teaching subjects such as distributed systems and software architecture. In doing so, he aids in the dissemination and teaching of C/C++. His dual role as an active engineer and academic allows him to provide a unique and up-to-date perspective to his students, effectively combining theory and practice. |
Silvia Hernández CaballeroScalianSilvia Hernández Caballero is a Telecommunications Engineer (University of Alcalá) with extensive experience in the C++ language. She is passionate about embedded software and new technologies. Silvia has worked on important software projects in the defence and security sector. Currently, her main developments are focused on embedded software. In addition, Silvia focuses her research activities on IoT and AI related topics. |
Alejandro Hidalgo PaniaguaScalianAlejandro Hidalgo Paniagua is a Computer Engineer (University of Extremadura) with an extensive experience working with the C++ language in a wide variety of engineering fields. He holds a PhD. in Telecommunications Engineering (University of Málaga) and he actually practises as a professor at the University of Málaga, in adition to be an active collaborator of the Scalian group. Alejandro has worked on important software projects for the railway, defense and security sectors. Currently, his main research activity is focused on electronic systems for intelligent environments, social robotics and high performance computing using GPUs. In addition, Alejandro is passionate about the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Mobile App Development and Cybersecurity, so he usually dedicates part of his free time to learn or keep up to date in these technologies. |
Andrew PearcyBloombergAndrew Pearcy has spent the last four years developing Bloomberg’s financial risk products. As a full stack developer, he has delivered multiple complex projects in the financial domain to enhance the flexibility, scalability, and efficiency of Bloomberg’s Derivative Hedging Accounting solution. As part of these enhancements, he has modernised, restructured, and refactored projects, striving to constantly improve the developer experience and reduce the time-to-market of this solution. |
Diego RodriguezJFrogDiego Rodriguez-Losada‘s passions are robotics and SW engineering and development. He has developed many years in C and C++ in the Industrial, Robotics and AI fields. Diego was also a University (tenure track) professor and robotics researcher for 8 years, till 2012, when he quit academia to try to build a C/C++ dependency manager and co-founded a startup.. Since then he mostly develops in Python. Diego is a conan.io C/C++ package manager co-founder and maintainer, now working at JFrog as Conan Lead Architect and C/C++ Advocate. |
Jeffrey SoBloombergJeffrey has been an integral part of the MARS Front Office and XVA teams, contributing significantly to the Bloomberg Financial Risk Product for the past two years. In the dynamic world of fintech, Jeffrey has spearheaded numerous projects aimed at enhancing infrastructure and boosting performance of Bloomberg’s products and systems. His expertise and interests have driven him to seek out ways to improve the developer experience, allowing for a smoother and more efficient development process. |
Iago SuarezQualcommIago Suárez obtained his Bachelor in Computer Science in Universidade Universidade da Coruña. He did his Master and PhD in Universidad Politecnica de Madrid in Artificial Intelligence (AI) focused in efficient Computer Vision (CV). He has managed several CV projects that have been presented in world-class symposiums and journals. He has contributed to several computer vision libraries such as OpenCV. During his PhD he worked in The Graffter, where he developed Augmented Reality technology for urban environment and XOIA Soft. Dev., a company that he co-founded and nowadays has more than 10 employees. He led the CV team of New Horizon Technologies, developing several video surveillance, and medical image projects. At the moment, He works as Senior Machine Learning Engineer at Qualcomm XR Labs Europe, where they create a new generation of AR/VR headsets by using cutting-edge Deep Learning technology to improve SLAM and SfM. |
Sebastian Theophilthink-cellSebastian has been working at think-cell Software since its founding in 2002. In the last few years, among many other things, he has ported think-cell to run on macOS. He is also the maintainer of the typescripten project which lets programmers call JavaScript libraries from C++ code compiled to WebAssembly in a convenient and type-safe way. He enjoys leaving his desk from time to time to talk at international C++ conferences. |